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Title: A fragment of a second...
Day and nightSun and moon
Summer and winter
Water and fire
Love and hate
Beginning and end....
How many times everything
is running like a
never ending circle
of a ride in my head?!
Until the time
one single moment
stops it all
Like last night
sitting on the porch
of the house
there was magic...
A silver ray of the moon
touched a blooming cherry
tree nearby
For a fragment of a second
it looked like fresh snow
had just fallen down
All of the garden was covered
by the mystery of the moonlight
so many lovers know
I walked up close to it
And a scent of the freshly fallen
cherry blossoms
cause me to feel a sweet giddiness
I had to touch the tree firmly
Night breeze made it fall more
and more
cherry blossoms into my hair
gently touching my body
and silently covering the earth
around me
All I felt was being one
with the moment
felling wanted and loved
by the beauty of nature
PS: we have a tradition in my home country
a woman should be kissed under a blooming cherry blossom tree on the 1st of May
to be nice, sweet and beautiful all year round!
Try to see if it works on yours! ;-))))