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Title: Meetings in May...
Venus knows how to play games with us in this month..
Suddenly arrow of Amor is hitting us…
one glance, one innocent smile…

One and only moment of mutual sympathy
which is sometimes more better than
hundred intimacy meetings…

Did you ever notice
how beautiful is
to do not know
who is she or he?

Why we are sometimes so curious
and we want to know
about other one
all and immediately?
Searching after even tiny mark…

And we are forgetting
the most beautiful
and mysterious way
is sometimes
to don’t know a thing…

And most of all it doesn’t hurt! ;-)

Kyla Cole Kyla Cole Kyla Cole Kyla Cole

How I feel about myself?
Trust in the unseen
When past meets present and in the mist, future is knocking on the door…
When? Where and How?
White rose
A rendezvous
Disturbed silence
A butterfly
Elixir of love
Love is like...
Roaming heart
Real or Fake?
One whisper wish
Why do I like winter?
...quiet thoughts...
A drop in the sea ...
Each tomorrow...
Drizzling rain...
Simply free
Was it real or was I dreaming?
A fragment of a second...
A glance...
Playful spring rain...
Two meant to be together
Be my Valentine
Intimate winter kiss
xxx is the energy
...yellow, red, orange
Do not forget it!
Time for your vacation...
We are all artists...
Language I do understand the most...
Contemplation of the week...
Meetings in May...